
Follow this easy format for sending a follow-up email after a voice message and see higher response rates immediately

Believe or not, salespeople are a lot like poker players.

Amateurs view poker mostly as a game of chance, where there are three basic moves: fold, call, and bet. But top salespeople use what pro-level poker players refer to as “small edges.”

See, poker pros understand that small actions—something as simple as changing your seat before the next game—adds up over time. These “edges” give smart (and patient) players different angles that other people can’t see.

The same applies to sales. Finding those “edges” will add up to more call-backs, follow-ups, and sales.

Here’s one you can start using today: sending a follow-up email after a voice message. This little action, which should only take a few minutes out of your day, can add up to huge payoffs.

follow up email after a voice message

Easy tips to send your email without seeming desperate (timing is vital!)

After you leave a voicemail with a prospect or client, the next question is, “how long should I wait to send a follow-up email?”

The situation will dictate, ultimately. There is always a degree of nuance that only you know. Having that said, that there are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Don’t smother your prospect. If he sees your voicemail, and then two minutes later receives an email, it might seem desperate.
  • Give him a chance to respond. Some people don’t answer voicemails or emails right away. Try to call earlier in the day, and send an email later in the afternoon if they don’t call you back.
  • Keep it short and sweet. A follow-up email after a voice message should get straight to the point. Don’t waste your reader’s time.

follow up email after a voice message

Now let’s write: 3 steps to erase the guesswork and see results

Let’s get down to the actual writing process. Luckily for you, it’s not complicated or long-winded and doesn’t even requires much thought.

If you’re serious about phone sales and want to triple the number of sales calls you make in an hour, give Call Logic a try. Sign up for our free trial now!

Why? Because a follow-up email after a voice message is a “second touch.” It’s a follow-up to a follow-up. So keep it short, simple, and easy to read. Don’t make your prospect work.

Step 1: Get your email opened.

That requires a subject line that catches the reader’s attention.

  • Keep it casual, like sending an email to a friend.
  • Use the person’s first name in the subject line
  • State your purpose (if possible)

A few examples:

  • Tim, trying to connect with you
  • Follow-up to our chat yesterday
  • Tim, quick question about [specific detail about your business]
  • Are you available to chat today?

Step 2: Keep your email short and purposeful.

You want your reader to get the message in under twenty seconds.

Don’t waste the reader’s time by repeating your voicemail. That’s annoying and unnecessary. Instead, mention that you left a message earlier. Tell them why, and how to get in touch. Done.


  • State the person’s name (Hi Tim!)
  • Tell them you left a voicemail earlier and your reason why.
  • Say when you’ll call again (date and time)
  • Give the best way contact you
  • BONUS: re-state the benefit your prospect will receive from your product or service

Step 3: Follow by example.

Below, we show how Call Logic employees would leave a follow-up email after a voice message.

“Hi Tim,

I left you a voicemail earlier today to schedule a time to demo Call Logic. We’re excited to show you how we help our clients save time and close more outbound calls.

I mentioned that I’d call again on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., but feel free to contact me by email if that works better for you.

Looking forward to learning more about your business!


[Your name and title]”

Remember: short edges add up over time. Sending a follow-up email after a voice message will help increase your call-back rates.

If you’re serious about phone sales and want to triple the number of sales calls you make in an hour, give Call Logic a try. Sign up for our free trial now!
